Thursday, July 19, 2012


Remember all that pruning JL did a while back?  Well, last weekend, the time had come to dispose of the clippings.  How does a person go about doing that when you have a pile as big as your pickup and no where to put it?

Start a fire of course.  You may be saying: but I thought you were in a drought and isn't burning wood the LAST thing you should be doing?  Nope.  Turns out, since January, we've had 15 inches of rain.  Almost 3 of those inches coming in this month alone.  More specifically, during the week that JL selected to start his small fire.

The ground was super wet.  The day was overcast and very humid with a 60% chance of more rain.  Conditions were perfect.

I must admit when I first stepped outside and saw the little fire, I was alarmed.....

Heat.  This sucker was so hot I had to sit WAY back from it.

And LARGE.  I got use to it after a while and my concern faded.  That and JL had a live hose running, a big pile of manure within easy reach of his shovel, and the air was very wet.

Still, it was impressive!

Whole trees were being added at one point!

After a bit, the huge looming pile of brush was gone!  The fire died down to ashes and embers and then about an hour later it rained a half inch!  Perfect.

1 comment:

mdm said...

Way to go JL -- very impressive way to rid the Ranch of some unwanted trees.