Wednesday, July 20, 2011

In Memory

It is a sad day here on the Clover. We have lost our beloved Eckerd the Fathers' Day Rooster. :( He was tragically killed last night by Pancho (our Golden Retriever).

Turns out letting a bunch of kids chase a rooster around while a happy dogs plays along can end badly. While the humans went inside to eat dinner, the game apparently never stopped for Pancho. Eckerd took safety in his coop, only to be cornered by my big, goofy dog.

And it's weird because Eckerd thought he was a dog! Him and my two k-9's were best buds the last few weeks. They even slept side by side - each in their own wallows! I guess Pancho just got way too excited by the chase and couldn't help himself. :(

I am surprised at how sad I am by this event. Eckerd was just a bird! But he really wasn't. He was the first fun animal we bought to start our ranch! He was the first real farm animal that actually DID something. He kinda sorta represented what JL and I have been dreaming about for the past few years.

Eckerd was a huge part of our lives. He was always around us, he had the silliest personality, and he was just generally friendly. I hate to think of him leaving us so suddenly and unnecessarily.

Most of all I think Eckerd dying was just a cruel reminder of how fragile life really is. Just yesterday he was scratching in our mulch and crowing happily. How quickly things can change.

But, there will be others. And I'm afraid they will have to come quickly. I need something to fill this hole.

1 comment:

mdm said...

We're so sorry to hear about Eckerd's passing. We know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet.