Monday, October 3, 2011

Bring on the Cold....

Because we have a fireplace again! Ever since we moved, our tv has been sitting in the living room on two end tables. Waiting for the day when I'd by a flatscreen and mount it in the rightful spot above the mantle.

Well, about a month ago, I sold our old, super huge 65" tv. While I was shopping for a suitable replacement, we brought down our 42" tv from the playroom and hooked it up. (right back into the same, ugly spot infront of the fireplace that the huge one was.)

It's been bugging me ever since. The living room was a sea of wires. Not to mention, the tv would be hit and tapped and nearly knocked over by the children.

So I set off two Fridays ago to get this project D O N E. And I'm happy to report, (after much delay and aggravation from Best Buy) JL and I set up the TV over the weekend.

Before (complete with child touching the screen)

See all those wires?

Here's a closer view...

After! No more wires on the floor. Tv is nice and high away from sticky fingers, AND you can see our beautiful fireplace!

Now if it would just get cold so we could test it out...

1 comment:

mdm said...

Wow!!! TV looks great and fireplace and room look fantastic minus the "wires."