Monday, October 3, 2011

In Memory

I've learned a lot in these last 5 months living on our ranch. The biggest lesson: water is the MOST important resource. The most painful lesson: dogs and fowl don't mix.

Fergus, our 11 yr old Malamute (make that 11 yr old ARTHRITIC Malamute) tends to find his youth when the weather cools off. It's cute, really. He gets his spring back to his step, he takes off running after deer with Pancho, he even howls with the coyotes in the evening.

But one of the things he also does is kill things. Mainly, anything that he can catch. Remember the armadillo's? That was this past spring, when the mornings were still nice a cool. Well, fast-forward through the WORST summer on record, one that included 90 days of 100+ temperatures!, to the first cold morning in a LONG, LONG time.

The family and I are inside cooking a feast of a breakfast. I step out onto the back deck to throw out some trash when I notice Quack alone at the pool. Now, our ducks are NEVER alone. The two of them are inseparable! They have become like a little clique around here lately, whispering and quacking their judgements on us :) So, I thought it was weird that Quack would be alone. I walked to the edge of the deck and noticed that Click had been mauled and was laying dead not 20 ft. from Quack.

I ran into the house (thinking the coyotes had visited us) to tell JL to get the shovel and a bag. We all stepped outside to inspect the situation when who should show up? A malamute with a mouth full of white feathers!!! ARG! Dang dog! He was quite pleased with himself. As if to say "look what I caught!!" Like it's a feat to catch a poor, flight-less duck that can only waddle and quack in defense! Still - Fergus was happy.

The rest of us took it pretty well. James' response "Well Mom, things like this happen when you live on a ranch." Izzy's response "Well, too bad for Click." Wyat's response "duck!" :)

What's worse than a cold morning with death? A second cold morning with death. Sure enough, the very next morning..... I lay in bed listening to Cogburn crow. In the distance I can hear Quack doing his quack thing. Not 2 minutes later, Fergus who was laying on the deck takes off running. I knew immediately what was about to happen! :( JL confirmed it, not 10 minutes later.

So, we are a duck-less ranch now. It's sad. I hate to lose any animal. Especially in a sense-less, and somewhat violent way. Poor things.

We've decided - no more fowl until Fergus dies. He's just too much of a predator! He's always been this way - I just underestimated him due to his age and crippled legs. But, he can still bring his A-game when he wants to.

In tribute to two silly ducks: We'll miss you!


Sheyenne said...

Oh that is so sad! But I have to say- Izzy's response cracks me up. Again. I know she said that about some other animal that died or was killed too and it is just too funny how your little princess girl is so la-de-da about it!

mdm said...

So sorry to hear about Click and Quack. Glad you have some good pictures of them. Glad to hear how well James and Izzy handle the situation and their comments are a precious.

Laura said...

Glad to hear that we aren't the only household that has had the problem. Our male mini dashchund, that we have had for a few months has decided he likes to maul cats recently. We have to have cats to keep the mice away so we are looking for someone who would like a dog. The kids are sad but they understand. After 3 cat funerals they are ok with it. Good luck!