Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall Flowers

We've haven't been on the ranch long enough for me to decide if this new color is seasonal, or due to the wonderful rainstorm we had a few weekends back. Either way, we are enjoying some beautiful new blossoms around here!

I noticed these beauties while I was watering last week. They just came out of no where! I'm not sure what they are, but they are a beautiful yellow - and they are thick!

These beauties are right near the sidewalk to the front door. They are breathtaking! So numerous, it looks like a giant purple piece of fabric draped across our bushes

So pretty!

I just thought the sky was particularly blue and pretty this day

You know who else loves moisture and mud?

1 comment:

mdm said...

Beautiful, beautiful flowers and bushes---thank goodness for that bit of rain you got a few weeks ago. And, Pancho looks good too!