Monday, December 12, 2011

Big News!

Yesterday was a big day here on the Clover. Our baby chicks laid their first egg!!!

Rooster Cogburn spent the day in their coop and POOF - by the end of the day we had our very first egg! 6.5 months of caring for and feeding these little guys and we finally have our first pay off!

Here's a picture of it next to an egg the big chickens laid. It's just a mini-egg, but it's a great sign!

We're pretty sure the biggest black/white chicken (Little Lee) laid it.

I have read that production will be sparse at first, so we aren't sure when we will get another egg from these little guys, but we can't be too far off now!

1 comment:

mdm said...

Congratulations on your new egg-laying endeavors--your little "chicks" look great.