Monday, December 12, 2011

Weather and Bucks

We have been having some very seasonal weather on the ranch lately - it is wonderful! There were two mornings last week that we woke to frost. Lots of frost! As in, ground is crunchy frost. It was neat!

In addition to the frost and chilly temperatures, we have been getting a lot of fog! It is very festive and adds to my Christmas Spirit. Last Friday, it was so foggy, the sky was blue! It was one of the most beautiful mornings I've seen on the ranch so far.

The other thing we have been seeing a lot of lately is the "Monster Buck." This guy has been around since we moved in - but I had yet been able to capture a good picture of him. He was thick and fat during the summer, but he's trimmed up some since it turned cold. But what stays constant is his beautiful set of antlers! He's a 10 point (because, you see, here in TX they count EVERY point) with symmetrical 5 points on each side.

He's been known to stop traffic around our neighborhood. Often, I'll come up on 3 or 4 cars that are stopped in the road and I know that the Monster Buck must be near. There is another big buck that floats around our area. He's got a similar set of antlers, but they are MUCH wider set apart. He's not as thick as the Monster Buck, but he's impressive. He's a lot more illusive, so I haven't been able to get a picture of him yet. We've named him the "Moose Buck" because his spread is so wide.

And then there is "One Stab." He's a spike buck that only has one antler on his left side.

Yes, we do name the wildlife. :)

1 comment:

mdm said...

Your house, your scenery, your weather, and your Wildlife all look marvelous. How fun for you and your Kids to know the wild animals by their names.