Friday, March 30, 2012


The Bluebonnets seem to have peaked. It is amazing to us how fast things can change outside. Literally - overnight! JL and I didn't see a single purple flower on the place on Saturday, but by Sunday - they were everywhere! Slowly creeping in on the bluebonnets. The mix right now is really pretty. Everywhere - blue and purple!

I'm so glad we had such a wonderful showing of bluebonnets this year! And they really did last for a long time. I'm sad to see them go - but it's fun to see the ranch change and evolve with the seasons. Spring has just been beautiful so far! Color everywhere! And super green. We are so grateful for all the rain we've gotten recently! It's amazing what a difference a little water can make!

In the spots where the purple flowers haven't quite reached - Indian Paintbrush is starting to join the mix! This is my favorite complimentary flower/color for the bluebonnets!


Erin Jeanne said...

Beautiful! Just Beautiful!! that is all tehre is to it! You all chose a really gorgeous piece of land!

mdm said...

The Ranch is beautiful! Can tell how happy you guys are and how much love and care goes into "life on the Ranch." So glad you guys found this place!