Friday, March 30, 2012

We did it

March 24th - We actually got a strawberry from our garden!

About a week before we picked it

Just seconds before we snapped it from the plant

There it is!

It was a tad tart, but we ate it down anyway! Cutting it into 4 super tiny little pieces so me and the kids could each have a sample!

Not only that, but there are several more getting ready to be picked! The first one, we decided we'd jumped the gun a bit, so these next few, we are leaving on the plant just a little bit longer to see if we can get more sweetness to them.

The kids absolutely LOVE having strawberries growing on the ranch! They check them probably twice as often as I do! Especially Isabel! She's always had a love for strawberries, but I think she's even more into the ones that come from our own dirt! It's fun to watch the kids get so excited about nature. :)


Erin Jeanne said...

I have envy! I cannot wait til (if) we are eating food we grew ourselves! Your strawberry patch is very impressive! Just think, in a week or two when they really come on you could make homemade strawberry icecream!!!

mdm said...

Congrats on your first strawberry harvest. Fun for the kids to be so involved in growing their "own food."