Monday, June 18, 2012

The Baby's Room - Makeover

The piano room will double as the nursery for the next year or so.  Previously, the piano room has been doubling as a guest room.  That worked... ok, but it wasn't ideal.  The nursery, however, fits much better in the space.  I'm actually plesantly surprised with how much room I'm left with for the crib etc.  

We used the same beautiful pale blue that we did the master bath with.  Not because I happen to think Quatro is going to be a boy, but because I ultimately want this room to be blue.  I thought it would look beautiful with the wood wainscoting that is in the room.  And, it does.  I'm very pleased with the way it turned out.  Cute for the baby, but potential for elegant down the road.


My sweet husband going to all angels to paint behind the piano.



mdm said...

The Baby's Room looks soooo cute. Love the color on the walls!!!

Stephanie T said...

Another beautiful room! There IS alot of room in there with the piano. I'm so happy it worked out for you. If you have a girl all you need to do is throw in a bunch of pink accents and it will look darling! That's why I love blue, it goes with everything.