Monday, June 18, 2012

On to Greener Pastures

I have sold the goats.  Why?  Well, let me tell ya.  They were great to raise up and have as we started our ranch, but eventually - they just got too annoying!  They are terribly mischievous, they were getting to be downright rude to the pigs, they were tearing up our new corral, and they eat and eat and eat.  What do they eat?  My roses, mainly!  

So, off they went to 380 acres with 150 other goats.  There they can freely eat all the weeds/landscaping their little hearts can dream up.   Now, I talk tough, but I'll admit I was sad to see them go.  Not because I'm terribly fond of them, but more because they represented the start of our ranching life.  They were one of the first animal additions we got, and I must have been more attached to the little buggars than I cared to admit.  Still, I think we made the right choice.

Luke & Bert moments before they were carried off.

Luke showing me what he thinks of my plan.

Gosh, they are kinda cute.

Off to new adventures.

Coincidentally (but not related to this event at all) we got a new animal this same day.  You can read about that here

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