Thursday, June 9, 2011

They're Coming...

Chickens are in our very near future! Our little ranch is about to become semi-operational!

We've been watching Craigslist waiting for a deal on a great coop. Found one last night at dinner time. We called the guy - he had already had 7 calls on it, and one lady that looked at it but then decided it was too big for her needs (lucky!). I originally told him we were going to come out tomorrow (which would be today) and buy it from him. Not 5 minutes after I hung up with him, he called me back to say someone else wanted to come and buy it tonight, so if we wanted it, he needed a for sure that we were going to buy it.

Did I mention this guy was about 60 miles away from us? Did I also mention that by now, it's probably a little after 7. Wy Guy goes to bed at 7. The other two follow before 8. BUT, being us, we quickly decided we'd make the drive and go get it right now!

So we loaded EVERYONE in the truck and set out. Just over an hour later, we were there. It was 9pm, dark, and 2 of my 3 kids were fast asleep. We meet with the family (they were really nice) and JL started to load the coop in the truck. In the meantime, their 12 yr old daughter (a proud FFA member!) gave me and James a brief education on chickens and their care.

Just over an hour and a half later (we had to drive 45mph), we arrived home. It was now 11pm, super dark, and 3 of my 3 kids were fast asleep. We quickly transferred them to bed then sat in the driveway admiring our new coop. I do think it is fantastic!

It has a coop and a chicken run that is all enclosed. That is one of my favorite features. Can't have the little darlings being snatched up by a hawk, can we. (Or one of our kittens, for that matter.) Or our armadillo killing Malamute, for another matter!

Can't wait until we can fill with chicks!!


mdm said...

Your new Coop (Chicken House) is sooo cute--love the Red Barn Look! And, how fun to add chicks and chickens to your "working ranch." The Kids are going to looooove this fun, new experience. (I know you will too!!!)

Erin Jeanne said...

Okay! it is even cooler than I imagined!! I love Love Love the way it is painted! Could not be more perfect!