Friday, June 3, 2011

Top 10 Current Loves

Already a month has passed! I'm pleased to say that life on the ranch is spectacular. The land is everything I had imagined. The kids have a park right here all the time. They explore, they run, they experience nature, they spend time outdoors getting dirty, James rides his bike safely behind the gated yard, we all play basketball, and the list goes on and on.

I've noticed there are a few things that I have come to particularly love about our ranch too. Things I didn't really think that much about in the beginning, but now can't imagine not having. The house just seems so intuitive! If I need it, it's there. If I think it, chances are it's already been done! I love it!

Behold my top 10 list of things that I am currently loving:

10 The beautiful trees!

This is our first home to have mature trees on it. And boy, they make a huge difference! One of my current favorite past-times is to lay in the hammock under this beautiful tree!

9. The well

Well water? It is fabulous! It tastes like the water I remember from my youth! It's fresh and pure and FREE!

8. The 1980s intercom system

This awesome thing plays the radio and ipod tunes! Makes a PERFECT house-wide stereo system. It even pumps music to the patio and decks!!! I LOVE it!

7. The Chandelier

This item is growing on me. It looks very dated, and down the road I may replace it, but for now it's homey and strangely wonderful. It puts out a LOT of light which is great for the dining room. Plus, James and Daddy have kinda adopted it. They both are terribly fond of it, so for now it hangs happily above our table.

6. The Overhang Cupboards

Originally I thought I was going to remove these. But after a months time, I have discovered that I love them! They hold a LOT of my food! Each one is like a little pantry - holding specific items that are easily within reach!

5. The Stove

This love was a surprise to me. I thought it would be hard adjusting to electric after cooking on gas for so long. But, my fears where for nothing - this stove is really nice! Plus, it is a flat top, so clean up is a snap! And it doesn't even bug to be on the island. When I'm not using the stove, I just throw my groceries up there anyway!

4. The Mud Room

This almost should be my #1 - it is fabulous! The kids come in from playing outside, take off their muddy shoes, take off any muddy clothing (which then goes straight into the wash) and THEN they enter the house! Brilliant! Plus, at this time, it is housing the kittens too. It's a large room, and I'm a huge fan!

3. The desk in the kitchen

There use to be one of these in the house I grew up in. I didn't understand it then, but I do now - this area is one of my favorite spots in the house. I put all the kids' craft supplies in the desk. It's SO nice! All the markers, and paper, and scissors, and stickers and pipe cleaners, and google eyes that the kids want constantly are in one place! What's better - it's just next to the breakfast table, so they even have a place to sit and craft away.

2. The Wet Bar

With a little out-of-the-box thinking, the wet bar has been transformed into the family fun center!! Full of popcorn poppers, milkshake makers, board games, FHE materials. You name it. Centrally located in the living room - ready and waiting for any family fun we're about to have.

1. The Kitchen

Compared to my previous taj mahal kitchen, I thought I'd never survive in such a small space. Credit to my Mother In Law for setting it up! Everything is so intuitive! I don't even have to think (or reach very far) for things I need. Making a sandwich? Great, just reach above your head. Gonna bake cookies? Even better, just reach to your side. Need to open the fridge? Stretch your right arm out and there ya go. It's cozy, but smart and I enjoy it! Plus, the kids can get along better in it. For whatever reason, it just works! (Plus it has the most amazing custom cabinets! They pull out and swivel and have secret cubbies just for cookie sheets!

So there ya go. Simply put:

I The Ranch

1 comment:

mdm said...

Sounds like you have a WONDERFUL HOUSE with at least "10 Suprises" that make you love it even more than you thought you would. Pictures look fantastic---sure easy to tell why you guys love the Ranch so much!!!!