Friday, August 12, 2011

In Memory

I am sad to report this morning that we have lost one of our adult hens. Serafina was found dead this morning in the red-mini coop. :(

When the flock went to bed, they were all happy and healthy. Near as I can tell, it was the heat that got her. The last two nights have been unusually warm around here, and this particular morning was muggy beyond muggy. Our guess is she either got smothered in the coop by the others on accident, or she simply couldn't take the heat.

I'm concerned about disease, but we cleaned the coop and found no traces as far as I could tell. We're going to keep a close eye on things though because if disease is the case, the whole flock could be in danger.

In the meantime, we are sad to lose Serafina. She was one of Izzy's hen's and the biggest one at that. She will be missed.

1 comment:

mdm said...

So sorry to hear about Serafina. Hope Izzy was O.K. with the loss of one of her Hens.