Friday, August 12, 2011

Yet Another Bug

The list of new, strange bugs is endless here on Buffalo Clover Ranch. The other day, my Dad spotted this weird thing (and I apologize for the fuzziness of my pictures - it was difficult to get a decent close in shot with my phone).

Fuzzy, large (as everything seems to be lately), all black with a few specks of yellow.

At first, we thought it was a fuzzy fly. Turns out it's a Carpenter Bee.

What the heck is a Carpenter Bee? Basically, it is a bee that likes to carve holes in wood. They don't really pollinate anything, they aren't aggressive, they don't serve much purpose far as I can tell. Seems their greatest purpose is to feed the woodpeckers. :)

Ours looked like this one. See how we kinda thought it was a giant fly? They are weird lookin'

You can read more about them here if you'd like.

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