Saturday, August 13, 2011

New Visitors

We've seen a few new and fun wild animals around here recently.

The first, we spotted about 3 weeks ago. It was a very small, gray owl of some kind. It was obviously a baby of whatever it was because the soft, down feathers were still dominant. I remember he had huge eyes and was just ity bity.

We saw him in the grove of huge oak trees we recently had treated for oak wilt. He was just hanging out watching us as we walked around setting up our sprinkler hose. He never made a sound, so I can't say for sure what he was, but after doing some research online I think I've discovered his identity.

Eastern Screech Owl

You can read about him here and hear his call here. I think screech owls are my new favorite thing. I want to build him an owl shack so he'll stay!

The other visitor we've had here a few times is this little guy:

Kit Fox

I knew what he was immediately. I don't really mind him coming around. Just so long as my chickens are cooped up and safe!

1 comment:

mdm said...

Love seeing all the great animals that frequent your Ranch. How fun and exciting to be living with all those wonderful creatures.