Friday, August 12, 2011

Numero Dos

With the addition of our 6 full-sized hens, we are in desperate need of an additional chicken coop. Now that the baby chicks are out and about and needing a place to sleep, the pressure is on to get more room/nesting boxes for all our hens.

JL has been working feverishly these past few nights on a new coop. If there is one thing about my husband, it's his extreme dedication. I love this trait though. No project will lay undone around this house. If he sets his mind to do something - it gets done! And fast! I'm already impressed with his progress in just the few nights he has worked on it!

We are basically modeling it after our old, red coop with just a few improvements. For one thing, the new coop is going to be MUCH bigger. It will also have a full sized door so we can easily go in and out. It's a huge pain to try to squeeze in the mini door on the red coop to change food/water etc etc. With this new coop - no ducking, squeezing or curling up into a ball will be necessary!

The plan is to move the big flock into the new coop and give the red mini-coop to the baby chicks. If the baby black/white chick doesn't turn out to be a rooster, then we will be getting a second rooster to tend to our four baby hens. I don't see why they wouldn't need their own protection! ;-)

Stay tuned for updates on our coop project!

The kids had their own project going while we worked on the coop!

May I present: The Bench!

1 comment:

mdm said...

Wow! JL is quite the Carpenter. And the bench looks great.