Wednesday, January 11, 2012


We are FINALLY rollin' in the eggs! We average about 3 a day now (from our 8 chickens). However, of those 8, I think only 4 of them are producers. Two of the baby chicks haven't started laying yet - and 2 of the older chickens are just plain lazy! hehe

We have had two days where we've gotten a quad (4 eggs in one day!) That was amazing.

Since taking this picture, we have started into another dozen carton. There are about 5 in it currently! Time to make some egg and cheese breakfast taco's!!! Yum!

The darndest thing has happened the last few days. We are getting eggs that look like they have been put through a stretcher. I'm not sure if this is just a fluke - or if one of the older chickens that hasn't produced in a while has started up again. It's a mystery - but the eggs crack me up! (No pun intended!)

What is up with that egg?

It won't even fit in the carton!!

1 comment:

mdm said...

What a wacky-looking egg. But, how fun for the "egg-gatherers."