Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Migrating Visitor

For the past week, we've noticed a new visitor here on the ranch. And not just 1 or 2 of these little guys - but hundreds of them! In swarms, really.

The Robin

These little guys are migrating through out area right now! The best time to see them is in the early morning. You can watch them bob up and down, dart back and forth, and race around on the ground. I'm not sure what they are eating out there (well, besides the bird seed we spread to try to encourage them) but they sure are loving it at our place right now. They come in groves! You can literally look out the window and see easily 50 to 60 of them.

And their sound. That's the best part. They remind JL of growing up. They remind me of spring and the melting of snow. I love to have them around. I hope they stay a bit.

1 comment:

mdm said...

Soooo glad you have so many Robins frequenting your Ranch -- what a wonderful way to experience nature in your own backyard. And, we LOVE the picture of June Bug in front of the house -- it looks like a postcard advertising "the good life."