Thursday, May 12, 2011

Hawk or Owl?

Last night just as dusk was coming on, Grandma and I spotted a beautiful whitish/grey bird circling the yard. It was close to the tree tops and very agile/quiet. I thought at first it was an owl, but after some research this morning I have decided it was one of these little guys:

Cooper's Hawk

It landed in a tree top near us and I was able to watch him for a long time. Beautiful bird! He was about medium sized for a hawk and the most beautiful color! He caught himself something at one point and came back to his tree to eat it. I'm glad to know the bird population is doing its part to keep our ranch free and clear from critters!

PS - In a slightly related story: We armed the house yesterday with our scorpion weapons. Here is hoping!

1 comment:

mdm said...

You've always had a knack for identifying birds from afar. How fun to have so much wildlife all around for you the Kids to enjoy.