Sunday, May 8, 2011

This Morning

James came to me this morning (4am) to tell me that Wyatt was stuck in his bed. Not Wyatt's bed - but James' bed. As in - the upper bunk. I didn't believe him, but sure enough there he was. Happy as a clam. Sleeping in brother's bed. No idea how he got up there. Well, obviously I know HOW he got up there. I'm just shocked he could.

Something just went off in his little brain and he figured he'd climb up and see what brother was up to. :)

Those two melt my heart. They love bunkin' together!


Auntie Muggs said...

My goodness between the dillo's and the bed switching you have already had quite a mother's day-isn't it Great!

mdm said...

Way to go, Wyatt! What a way to wake Mom up on Mother's Day. And, how sweet of James to share his 'bunk.'