Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Weekend Report

We've been on the ranch now 4.5 days. I'm happy to report that it is better than I even imagined! It is so quiet here - no sirens, no motorcycles, no loud trucks. Just birds, and squirrels, and deer (not that they make a noise...) and rustling of leaves. And with no neighbors around, I am free to leave the blinds and windows open at all hours of the night. This allows me to gaze at the stars from my bed and hear the crickets. I LOVE THAT!

For the first day, I felt like I was camping. I kept thinking - wow we scored big time with this spot! It is nice! And then I'd realize that this is actually where I get to spend my days, and my stomach would get all excited as it all set in.

The kids absolutely love it! For them, it is like being at a huge park every day. They dig, they play in the treehouse, they play basketball, they run around chasing animals, they play cowboys/Indians. You name it - they play it. Meanwhile, I sit back and relax because the security gate keeps them tucked inside the safely zone.

The boxes are going away. Slowly but surely they will be gone soon. Grandma has set up my kitchen, so the heart of the house is full functioning. This is highly important when you have 3 little ones who demand food constantly. It's nice to know where stuff is again and be able to provide for them. I don't think I've had that feeling since before our old house went on the market!

The beds are all set up.* The boys are in their bunks, and there is nothing cooler! James LOVE LOVE LOVES being on the top bunk. And Wyatt is tickled to death to have a big boy bed that is right below his idol! It's fun to sneak in there late at night to see them both crashed out asleep. I smile every time. Isabel got her new, girly furniture and she is on cloud nine. She also got a pink flower lamp/nightlight that she is terribly fond of. She's right at home in her new setup.

The dogs took a day or two to adjust. For the first little bit, they wouldn't stray from the house. I think the new smells/critters were a bit much at first. But now they roam freely and seem to be doing a fair job of keeping the deer from totally eating all our plants.

Speaking of critters...

This city girl can't quite come to terms with one little pest that seems to be popping up a whole lot.

That's right. These little buggars are only about 2 inches long and terribly frail looking, but I can tell ya - I HATE THEM! They just look so ... icky! Ick Ick Ick! I don't want them anywhere near me or my gaggle! Supposedly, they are no worse than a bee sting, but it doesn't seem that way when you are trying to chase one down to squish with the butt end of a drill.

And then there was the discussion I had to have with my 4 yr old about never picking one up again. EVER EVER EVER! They don't seem aggressive, thank goodness, but it's the principle of the matter! ICK ICK ICK!

Ok, I'm over it. Now back to relaxing on the patio.

*Pictures are on their way. I have yet to un-box my camera cable!


Stephanie T said...

Your house sounds so chamring. You're getting closer to convincing me into moving to the country. I can't wait to see your home and the kiddos. It feels like forever.

mdm said...

Sounds heavenly! Can't wait to see it in person-the kids' rooms sound ideal. What fun for everyone.

Kelly said...

The scorpions are so gross. I can't even fathom being an early Texas pioneer. Somehow the walls of your home help eliminate SOME of them at least.