Monday, May 16, 2011

What's in our jar?

Look for this to be a recurring post...... *

One of many....

And THE BIGGEST bull frog I have ever seen in my life!

* All creatures were returned to the wild! (Far, far from the house!)


Erin Jeanne said...

OH man!! Ben is going to go crazy for catching frogs!! I am teaching to squish spiders with shoes, i may have to teach him to run from trantulas!! Funny Story, speaking of spiders, we were in walmart tonight getting a tote and I pulled the stack out and someone had put a HUGE fake spider in there!! It totally got me! I screamed, dropped the totes, said a not nice word, and ran! Matt and ben got a good laugh!

Kelly said...

Gross! I couldn't handle the jar things! Your kids are lucky that you can.